Monday, November 3, 2008

End of October

I flew up to Park City to pack up my studio and workshop after riding to So Cal. for the LOVE RIDE. We were able to attend the festivities on Main St. in Park City for Halloween. We got our courage up and took the tour of the Haunted House at the Washington School Inn--so scarey and so clever!! Our little paige was teh sweetest little flower. Adrienne and I also checked out the "Howl-O-Ween" parade with all the hilarious animals and people in costumes!! There were Pugs in tutus, a basset hound hot dog , and a Boston Bull cowboy---to name a few. We didn't take any of our animals as you can see--they preferred the couch up at the barn! Speaking of barns--our new project is almost tight--we even have stairs now!! Thanks to Ken--the spooky dead tree in the way of the view from the new barn is now cut down. The electrical team--(Jeff and Tim) headed up by Marcus (thank God for a professional here) are getting it all wired.

Saturday, just in front of a storm, Adrienne, Tim, Rosie, Lola, and I headed to Arizona with the trailer full of bikes, hats, coffee roasters, and such. We split the drive up staying in Kanab--had dinner at our favorite stop--the Rocking V. We rolled in to Carefree by noon and headed right over to Bad Donkey for lunch!!Sammy rode up to help us unload at the warehouse. It is absolutely gorgeous weather here in Arizona-----fun to be all together again--even though we don't see Sammy very much with his long school schedule each day.

I will be heading out with Will and the boys from Aspen on the bikes to explore the south eastern corner of Arizona. We plan to stay in Bisbee for a couple of nights--they are on their way here right now.

Tim and A will stay here in AZ. till this weekend.

Can't believe it is time to think of the holidays--will be here in AZ for Thanksgiving.
Vote tomorrow!!
Much love to all!!!
Make sure to check out my Diva Blog to see my celebrity shots during the LOVE RIDE--I had my picture taken with Peter Fonda--the original Easy Rider!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sun and Snow in October

Sammy came up to see me(from his apt. near school in PHX) this weekend here in Carefree--he is my "honey do" since Tim is up in Utah. We got a lot done on the place here---lots of cleaning to do after a summer full of dust--and Pat Kenny painted the exterior--so we need to hang everything back up. He also found time to work on his bike with fellow class mate Jakaitis ---they are in front of our warehouse /offices in Carefree ready for a ride in the photo. Sammy looks great--has worked off a ton of his weight this summer!!

Grandy Z , Sammy, and I met up with Grandpa TP and Jane to celebrate Oktoberfest at Hans Murphy's of Glendale, AZ. for some really authentic German cuisine. We were serenaded by an two man Oompa Band during dinner--Grandpa had weiss wurst, Grandy had the wiener schnitzel, and Sammy had the knock wurst (sorry for my terrible German spelling!) Jane and I opted for the chicken marsala--(it that German??) As you can see in the photo--muy grande steins of beer were the drinks of choice---don't Jane and Grandpa look great???

We strolled next door to hear some of Grandpa and Jane's favorite jazz music--friends of theirs they visit to hear every week when they are in town. I am so sorry for the out of focus photo--but it is the only one I took at the table--forgive me--will do better in the future!!

While Sammy and I were enjoying the cooling off of Arizona (90's to high 70"s), Tim and A were experiencing a white out up in Utah! This one looks like it might stick!!! As you can see--it was accumulating!! Good news is the barn is moving right along---Tim, A, Marcus, and Jeff worked on running the electrical wiring last week and now we are getting windows installed!!!

We need to get it tight before there are any more storms!!

Hope you all have a great week!!!

I am leaving this Tuesday for Daytona Beach--will fly out of PHX and be back Monday. I am looking forward to seeing Shelly and my Daytona family!!


Friday, October 10, 2008

Last Week in Park City up on the Mountain

Hello All---
I wanted you to see darling Paige stirring her ice cube soup---A and Sammy loved to push up a chair and "help" in the kitchen--so one of the activities during Diva Daycare was to do the same--I think she was having fun!!

Barn now has a roof---by now they have wrapped it as well--will send photos--!

Our Moose family came back again for a whole day with us. They were there first thing--then into the afternoon--complete with naps under the shady trees. Tim and I got pretty close--they didn't "charge " us as I think they know us by now!

I left last Friday on the big bike to ride to Las Vegas on my way to Carefree house. I talked Sammy into meeting me in LV on his bike! I got a late start and stayed with Aunt Sue in St. George--woke up there with it raining!! I rode the Virgin River Canyon in the rain---but was OK--just took it easy!

Sammy had a cold ride over from Phoenix--course his ape hanger handle bars are too high to have a windshield--poor guy!! Sammy and I met at Hard Rock for lunch, and had fun checking out the Vegas Bike Fest together. Saw some vendor friends and bike builders--there seemed to be a pretty good crowd on Saturday.
We stayed with Krista (my friend and buyer at Hard Rock)--had a nice dinner at the Charcoal Room inside the Santa Fe Station Casino in north Las Vegas. We liked it because it was great food and no one knew Krista there--so we could relax!!
After a nice visit the next morning in Krista's back yard--we hit the road and hit all the bumper to bumper traffic going over the Hoover Dam. We DID however take some dam pictures!!
It was so great to have Sam along--nice to look over at him riding along side me!
We met Grandy Z. at Anita's Cocina in Wickenberg--(her car is on auto pilot to get there!!) for an early dinner. The sun was setting on the rest of the ride to Carefree--loved seeing the silhouettes of the saguaros and smelling the desert--even some pinon in the wind! We stopped at the Chevron on Carefree Hwy and ran into a teacher of Sam's at MMI. It was a long stop chatting with him--and checking out each other's bikes--then rolled into Carefree in the dark.
Sam helped me get some things done at the house--then headed off to his own apt. to get ready for school the next morning.
It's great to be back in the desert--but too quiet alone here--no A or Tim or any doggies!!!

I spent the next few days packing merchandise and shipping off to Daytona for Biketoberfest there. I will be flying out this Tues. Oct. 14 for the rally--back Oct. 20.

I plan to ride to LA for the LOVE RIDE with Kiki and Wolfgang over the Oct. 25,26 weekend. Maybe I will meet Jay Leno!!!

I will be here in Carefree with my other trips in between and will fly back Oct. 29 to Park City so I can see Paige for Halloween. A, Tim, and I will pack up my studio and drive the Fatboy and Tim's bike in the trailer down here to AZ.

I hear it is supposed to snow in PC this weekend--we are supposed to have high 70's here---not ready for the white stuff yet!!!

Hope all is well with everyone and no one has jumped off the building--(try not looking or listening to the news!!)

Love to all!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fabulous Fall Friday

Thanks for checking out this blog. I created this so we can let you know what the Skaling's aka the Griswald's are doing and where we are doing IT!!!!!

Today is the most gorgeous Friday--lots of fall colors and a chill in the air.

Tim, Adrienne, and I are in Park City and Sammy is in Phoenix at school.

We woke up this morning hearing and watching a bull moose, a cow moose and her baby. It was a crazy scene---moma was rubbing up against the bull, and he wouldn't have anything to do with her--maybe he didn't want to do anything in front of the kid!!! All 3 spent the day in the bushes having a siesta---and just now got up to graze--happy hour for them!!!

As you can see--we are building another barn up here next to the one we live in. It will house our offices, warehouse, toys and vehicles with motors. The best news is -- we designed it so there will be guest quarters on the entire upper level--a layout much like the one we live in--but a touch smaller. It will have one bedroom, bath, kitchen, and the same awesome view we have in the big barn, and a nice deck to relax. WE will be ready for visitors soon!!

Sammy is doing great at Motorcycle Mechanics Institute in Phoenix. He will graduate December 12 and will have diplomas in Honda and Harley--just like a doctor! He plans to get right back up here to the mountains--not sure what he will do just yet. He has applied to run a grooming snowcat for one of the ski areas to finish off the winter--I think he feels the need to build up his bank account!

Baby Paige is doing great after her open heart surgery a month ago. She is gaining weight and running around keeping her Grandma busy (she has been here for 2 weeks taking care of her --no daycare allowed for 4 more weeks!) You can see she loves A's Rhino.

Last weekend was Hawk's #80 b-day--we had parties to celebrate for 3 nights in a row. I told him he will have a lot to beat since my dad and Jane married at his 80th!!! It was so fun having Patti and Susie P. here--Susie stayed one night with us--of course we needed to catch up...till 2am! I had the family send me mementos and I made Hawk a mosaic of all the keepsakes--it turned out pretty cool. Special guest Sarah Palin made an appearance and interviewed Hawk to be her running mate (she said she would jump ahead to run for the president) and ended up on Hawk's lap!

Next event on my hit parade is Daytona Biketoberfest. I will leave out of PHX Oct. 14--so I need to ship my goods from PC and AZ in time. I am thinking of riding the big bike down next weekend. It will be hard to leave here--so gorgeous and still so hot in AZ!! Tim will probably haul the trailer down later as he needs to be on the scene for the barn building.

Check back and stay in touch!!!

Skales, Diva, A, and Sammy
Check out Diva'a blog